Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Friday, September 02, 2005


Read him up.

Thanks, Robert.

It is incredible how much I am going to vent about Katrina in the next few days.

It is incredible to read about the lack of co-ordination and the gusto with which things are being done.

There are no heroes emerging.
Nobody is co-ordinating things
FEMA actually says that first responders from adjoining counties of other states CANNOT come and help out their neighbours a few miles away as they have to follow interstate sharing protocols??

Things will fall into place in a few days,
We will look back and see a few numbers of dead people,
A few people who could have been saved

A few law suits later,
A few press releases later.

Life moves on.
Dead remain dead.

Richest country in the world,
You can send thousands of troops thousands of miles away in hours and you cant rescue 20,000 people stuck in a stadium?
One-third of the men and women of the Louisiana National Guard, and an even higher percentage of the Mississippi National Guard, were 7,000 miles away, fighting in Iraq, these are not just soldiers, these are cops and paramedics who could have been critical "first responders".

But can't take care of 25000 people stuck in a stadium?

Richest country in the world,
Cannot stop a hurricane which can flood 80% of New Orleans,
But it should bloody well be able to reach people after 3 days?

Why spend hundreds of billions on National Security, when you cant stop mobs controlling a city after a disaster?
The point is not to link everything to Bush's Iraq policy but the point is does he have anything else at all?

How can they be naive enough to expect that the only disasters in the US are Osama-made?? Who the hell are you going to attack now?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Higher Death Toll Seen; Police Ordered to Stop Looters - New York Times: "He called for a 'total evacuation,' adding: 'We have to. The city will not be functional for two or three months.'"

Shoban and Suman, hope you guys are doing ok.

Live in the reality
Reality that is yours

dogma is but a figment of thought
Start afresh