Thursday, May 30, 2002

one week. in an isolated, dead barn.

I want to drive to a dead barn.... a place where everyone ceases to exist... I want to sit on the barn roof.. watch the sunset... feel each and every tear rolling down... feel the hint of a smile at a random thought... laugh my heart out at a stupid joke... and fade into the darkness

one week. in an isolated, dead barn.

i love you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Life is too much of a pain not to enjoy.

Primum Vivendi, Primum Laughendi, make others laughendi, enjoyendi, entertainendi, cryendi, feelendi, act impulsendi, dont thinkendi and listenendi
Dienda filosphari

Written on the beach on a 10km walk on Mahabalipuram, wasnt to be found on the return walk.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

I love everything I do.
Have I found that thing that I love to do?
I ask these questions, whenever I think about the job that I am doing or when I am thinking about a new job.
Whenever I get into anything, I do all that I can to love ti so that I can get the maximum satisfaction out of it.

But lets see if I dispense with all the management jargon, let me try and write as to what I really want to do:
1. I want to sleep in the afternoon.
2. I dont want any pressures, other than the ones that create for myself.
3. I want to just sit around a table and discuss the whole day long and not have the onus of decsion on me.
4. I want a job where I retire at the highest postion in that field in 2 years

Dream on....

Monday, May 20, 2002

What you are thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

.....One heck of a compliment. If only I had got it :)

Sunday, May 05, 2002

I searched for this on google: meditation thought control....

Saturday, May 04, 2002

Normalcy and peace are the hardest fought victories. Enjoy them. Dont be scared of peace, it is not the lull before the storm, it is the lull after the storm. Enjoy it.

I intend to be happy for the simple reason that I am happy. Theres nothing plaguing my life. I have no tensions which I dont enjoy. I intend to spend each and every second to be as glad and as happy as possible for the state I ain in. I will not brood on some ridiculous issue, get worked up, on not the topic itself but thinking as to "why the hell I am thinking about it so much". I beleive that I need to smile all the time for the happiness that situation and luck and people have afforded me, if i am not doing that and making a fuss about why I am making a fuss about some non-existent problem then I am plain and simple stupid.
I sometimes keep thinking that I have to solve some non-existent problem coz if I dont I might end up in a big soup at a later point of time. I nned not. I am not tryng to convince myself that I need not just for the simple reason that I need not.

The difference about my mind brooding is never apparent when I am in a group but I bug the hell out of my favourite and well meaning friends imposing wierd expectations and questions on them. If I have questions about things which really a(e)ffect me then I should and will ask.


Friday, May 03, 2002

i just want to be alive and as peaceful as the dead

Thursday, May 02, 2002

"When I die, I hope it's in a meeting. The transition from life to death will be barely perceptible." --Jeff Wuorio