Friday, June 30, 2006


Innocence, originally uploaded by Atheistbishop.

A little girl who was curious to get her picture taken on Impact Day. Her eyes and the expression had incredible depth.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Honking in hyderabad, and I am sure in many places, has a taxonomy of its own.
Its funny that you never realise that you can honk different honks as well.

Honk 1: Bep (a short burst of the horn) almost like a positioning system, saying I am here, usually used when the car in front you is rolling back on you on an incline

Honk 2: Bep Bep Bep A string of shirt bursts: I am over taking you slowly, so if you have plans to change lanes, chill for a few seconds, till the beps stop

Honk 3: Beeeeeeeep: Get the fuck out of my way. Else, I am going to beep the hell out of you.

Honk 4: Beep Beep Beep Beep: No reason, I just like honking kinda like a preemptive strike

Honk 5: Beep Beep: I know that we are stuck in traffic, let me just release some angst

Honk 6: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......: Sorry, fell asleep on the steering

Beep Beep: That was just the Road Runner.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Can I take a movie from my memory? Can I atleast take a picture and make it last?
I can only hold on to the details so long before memory blurs and imagination takes over.

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